JCT Technology Development Co., Ltd. since its inception has been committed to the semiconductor devices’ popularization and application, as domestic distributors for well known international semiconductor manufacturers like NXP TI, TI Ensipu semiconductor, EXAR, RAMTRON.etc. JCT spot product line includes: MSP430 MCU, TI, NXP analog microcontroller series, clock chip, EXAR interface chip, power management, UARTs devices, RAMTRON ferroelectric memory. The product applications involving smart grid, power terminal, communication equipment, industrial instrumentation, security monitoring, medical equipment, railway systems, consumer electronics and other industries.
The company is located in the Chinese Silicon Valley which called Zhongguancun, and has its branch offices in Shenzhen as well as logistics department in Hongkong .With the three storage centers, REP advanced software platform, therefore the integration of the three resources are more efficiently.Thus we provide efficient and reliable service to the original equipment manufacturers, wide research institutes and domestic traders from our professional service team . The goal of JCT is to become one of the best distributors of electronic components in china.
JCT will continue to uphold the "integrity, innovation, unity and truth-seeking" business philosophy, according to the needs of the expansion of new product lines, and gradually expand the sales service network. In the future, we will join more industry chain partners, in-depth into the smart security, smart grid, intelligent industry, smart medical, intelligent transportation and other fields.